Josiah´s 1st blog

My name is Josiah Levi Mouser. My parents moved to Arriaga, Chiapas Mexico on October 19th of 2008 when I was 1 year old… and this is my blog.

3 thoughts on “Josiah´s 1st blog

  1. Josiah, Grandma is so proud of you and misses you so much. Can’t wait to see you walking. love you bunches

  2. Hey little man, 2/9/09
    I sure miss you! Why did you cry and point your finger at me when you
    saw me on Skype? Was it a) I thought I got rid of her, and here she is
    again! or b)Where have you been? I have been thinking about my wonderful grandma that I left somewhere a long time ago, and here she is! I prefer to think that it’s the latter. You are so cute just walking around and getting into everyone’s business. Each day is an
    adventure I’m sure. God bless you, little one and may His face shine
    on you and protect you from those nasty falls!.

    Mucho, mucho amor,

  3. Josiah, I miss you sooo much! Jonathan misses his little buddy! I hope to see you soon and give you mucho besos!:) I love you little man!

    Auntie Jojo 🙂

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