
As I was walking out of the church on Valentine’s day my husband informed me a family had come to visit from another town and he wanted to have them over for lunch. I immediately said, “no way!” A flood of thoughts came in “I have other plans, I don’t even remember what condition I left my house in, what am I going to cook for these people?” My husband wanted an answer but all I could do was roll my eyes and quickly got in the car. I could see the mom from the rear view mirror with her baby in the hot sun but that still did not move me, I held on to my selfish desire to go on with my Valentine’s day plans. My husband got in the car and said they live far away and  I really feel like we need to feed them lunch. I will buy a couple of roasted chickens to make things easier. The drive home from church is only 5 minutes but it was long enough for the Holy Spirit to convict my heart and for me to get a quick revelation of what love really is. It is not always convenient and often loving others cost us something.  

“Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth”   – 1 John 3:18