As I approached the house where we have held our services for the past three years, I could hear the brothers and sisters crying. By the time I made it inside, tears were streaming down my face as well. Immediately a few sisters gathered around me. One hugged me and sobbed, “I’m sorry if I’m being selfish but I don’t want to let you go”.
Ron had just made the announcement that we were moving. I knew sharing the news was going to be difficult, but it was harder than I imagined. My heart breaks as we close this chapter but I’m also excited to embrace this new season.
Why are we moving away from this beautiful city?
In April we received an invitation from Bill and Tammy Woods to return to the coast to start a new training center to equip both foreign and national students in various aspects of ministry and cross-cultural missions. We are very comfortable with our lives and ministry here in Comitán, yet after much prayer we felt the Lord leading us back to the wonderful people and horrible heat of Arriaga. So, in the next few weeks we will be boxing up all our earthly belongings AGAIN and moving five hours away with our five children and two dogs back down the mountains to the other side of the state of Chiapas. It will be a new adventure with God and, in spite of the obstacles, I know great reward is found in obedience.
Transition with five young ones, in an extreme climate change, while starting a new ministry can be challenging. We need your prayers.
And stay tuned for further details about the training center!
“If you live gladly to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.”
– John Piper