New year, new adventure

New year, new adventure

The beginning of 2016 had some major challenges for us. My high-risk pregnancy, Ron’s health and our big decision to move all required some major faith steps. I’m not going to lie, there were days my fear paralyzed me. If you find yourself currently surrounded by seemingly impossible obstacles in your life, remember He is the God of the impossible. He is with us in the fire and in the flood. May 2017 be a year full of miracles for you as you continue to trust Him.


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As we drove away from Arriaga last New Year’s Day, I was thankful for the opportunity to spend the holidays with dear friends but I was also thankful to get out of the heat and head back to our home in the beautiful, cool mountains. I had no idea that in a few months the Lord would be giving us new marching orders.

In 2007, I said “yes” to this life of foreign missions. I didn’t know what it would look like but I knew God’s plans for me were best and I trusted Him. Life on the mission field has had its ups and downs. This new assignment has required huge leaps of faith and involved lots of growing pains. I’m humbled that the Lord has chosen Ron and I to start the Bridgeway School of Missions. Often my excitement mixes with my insecurities but I’m learning to rest. Because in my weakness He is strong.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each of you for standing with us all these years. During many difficult times your prayers and words of encouragement have kept us going. We love the team the Lord has given us. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!


We are looking forward to what the Lord will do in this new season full of new miracles.

           — Ron, Ivonne & the Mouser kids